I have been pregnant twice. I loved being pregnant and feeling our baby kick. I however did not like labor. But in the end when they placed Ashleigh and later Elijah in my arms it was all worth it. Ashleigh was due December 30th. Kellar and I celebrated Christmas at home (as family was 12 hours away). I was ready for a Christmas baby. Kellar would take me through mall parking lots and over speed bumps (not at the slow down speed you should go over them). My water broke the night of the 26th (Kellar will tell you it was during SNL). Off to the hospital we went, where I was induced (yuck) because I was not having contractions. Ashleigh arrived on the 27th.
Elijah's delivery was a little bit different. I took Ashleigh to see a movie on the 15th (feeling a little weird on the inside). The feelings apparently were contractions (new to me). That night I woke up with definite contractions, I was in labor. Elijah arrived in time for our midwife to have lunch on the 17th.
Now we are getting very close to delivery of our son from Ethiopia. In 2 weeks we will know for sure how close we are to meeting him, holding him, loving him, .... 2 weeks to finish his room (as after this date if we pass court we will be making travel arrangements)
In May when we decided our summer travel plans we had no idea at that time why we traveled in June instead of July. Now we know, it was so we could put all our energy into bringing our son home. We ended our vacation and labor began.
Thank you to all who read my blog and share in our story of this awesome journey our GREAT GOD has carried us on, our journey to Ethiopia!